
Unveil The Molding Process Of Expanded Polystyrene With STYRO

Expanded polystyrene is a thermoplastic polymer that is both lightweight and rigid. The expanded polystyrene commonly known as EPS is also insulating and is widely used for diverse applications. There are multi numerable uses of EPS. There are different industries using the Expanded polystyrene moulds to create long-lasting products. It is predominately used in sectors including dome construction, fiberglass industries, packaging materials, boat manufacturing and construction industries to name a few.

The different features of Expanded polystyrene make it an ideal product as it could be used in multiple forms, designs and uses. Some of the major usage areas and the properties are listed below:

1- The lightweight & easy to shape feature of Styrofoam make it the ideal solution to produce molds for any 3D figures.

2- Construction of domes can’t be done without Expanded polystyrene forms to cast the concrete on the top. The Styrofoam is lightweight, rigid and can hold the concrete during the pouring stage.

3- The packaging done with Styrofoam molds are lightweight and effective. The density of EPS is low, making it extremely steady and Shockproof.

4- It is used in food packaging. The expanded polystyrene material is insulating. As a result, food products are extremely safe. Special Styrofoam moldings could be designed for food products.

5-The high-density EPS is a compression-free, compression-resistant material and hence it is used in packaging heavy yet delicate items that need to be transported to long distances or need to be stayed packaged for a longer duration of time. Expanded polystyrene products are extremely eco-friendly and recyclable materials.

Expanded polystyrene is extracted from polymer beads. All the packaged products that are made from EPS are put in moulds resulting in the end product. Eps Mould is used by different companies to make decorated parapets as per their requirements.

The polystyrene beads are expanded (hence the name is expanded polystyrene). The whole conversion process of obtaining the product is described below:

1- Pre-Expansion Phase: The small polystyrene beads have the capacity to be expanded to about 40 times its original size. The expansion of the tiny bead increases its length and thus reduces the weight and the density.

2- The Maturing Phase: The beads are then put in a holding silo and exposed to differential pressure. This pressure equalizes the beads and stabilizes the granules.

3- Final Stage: This stage is the final process and ends the moulded products. The pre-expanded beads are reheated with steam in a special fully automatic moulding machine. After the moulding process, the EPS beads get the desired shape. The   EPS moulds can be of the shape that is desired or can be moulded into large blocks which can be sectioned as panels, boards, cylinders or any required moulded shapes…

The EPS such obtained is made of about 98% air. Hence the light-weightiness, insulation and easy to handle are the native properties of expanded polystyrene. Looking at the benefits, STYRO expanded polystyrene mould is obtained from state-of-art technology and high-tech fully automatic machiner